School Teacher

What is the average teacher's pension in the UK?

A guide to the average returns that teachers can expect from the UK pension scheme.

Chip Logo

A Review of The Chip Prize Savings Account

Understand what the Chip Prize Savings Account is, and whether it might be suitable for you.


Teachers' Pension Calculator

Use our calculator to understand how much teachers' pension to expect. See how much you'll pay and what you'll receive.

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When are premium bonds drawn?

Find out when NS&I's premium bonds are drawn, and discover when next month's prize results are scheduled to be revealed.


UK Inflation Calculator

Try our calculator to understand and visualize how the value of money has changed over time in the UK.

Credit cards

Should I get a credit card?

Is a credit card the right choice for you? Benefits and drawbacks to consider when deciding whether or not to take out a credit card.